Sex Party All Out Of Love With Google

3/9/2013 with

Last year the Australian Sex Party had their ads banned temporarily by Facebook, this week in the lead up to the Australian federal election on September 7th Google has rejected several AdWords advertisements related to the party’s position on voluntary euthanasia and the legalization of marijuana. One Ad rejected by google read;- “Sex Party. Regulate and Tax […]

September 1, 2013 – Week 36 Summary

2/9/2013 with

This week has seen a lot of new, tips and a very content packed episode of Traffic Jam. We’ve got some great tutorials on how to get the best keywords for your campaign, as well as the newly launched tracking tool for both SEO and Adwords campaigns. Keywords are important to SEO and we give […]

August 25, 2013 – Week 35 Summary

25/8/2013 with

In this week’s summary, find out what the SEO basket has to do with this week’s SEO tip, and what Adwords tip you can do for as little as two minutes but still get better results.   This week has also seen the launch of the funny side of SEO, PPC and everything related to […]

Easy Adwords Results In Under 2 Minutes

20/8/2013 with

In the world of PPC, there is no such thing as being too busy you have no time to work on improvements. Even two minutes off your time can mean a whole lot, and here are some tips on how you can make those two minutes count.   In this Video: 00:17 – Topic for […]

Kiss Goodbye To Lacklustre Advertising With My Top Five Tips For Better Adwords Ads

7/8/2013 with

Have that one stand out ad that just gets all the clicks and conversions. With these five neat tips, you can have a higher resulting ad that no one can resist too! In this Video: 00:13 – Tip#1 – Be Unique 00:34 – Tip#2 – Include a Strong Call to Action 00:47 – Tip#3 – […]