January 19, 2014 – Week 3 Summary

19/1/2014 with

It is already 4 weeks in to 2014 but we at Veravo still want to give some really nice surprises to help kick off your 2014 too! Check out what we have for our resellers and future clientele.   There are some really exciting changes that are happening within Veravo and we want to share […]

Reseller News – January 2014

16/1/2014 with

Stars In A Box

The first reseller news for 2014 brings not only the most recent updates on the company and how this can help you grow your business, but the best news yet – we are increasing reseller discount! Want to find out what’s the new discount rate? Watch the  video and find out what other good news […]

November 10, 2013 – Week 46 Summary

12/11/2013 with

If you have a lot of questions regarding your Google Adwords campaign, or if you are thinking of starting one, then you are in luck. This week’s tips focused on Google Adwords where two videos were released containing valuable information for Adwords Management. Do you know your marketing numbers very well? If your answer is […]

How Google Decides Your Cost Per Click Price

7/11/2013 with

The highest high bid price does not necessarily mean you get the top spot in the search results. Not quite sure what it means? In this Google Adwords video, we share how Google decides how much you pay for every click you get on your ad.       In this Video: 00:13 – How […]

How Well Do You Know Your Marketing Numbers?

5/11/2013 with

Not knowing your marketing numbers really well may often mean losing money down in to the drain. All the efforts that you put in your marketing strategy will prove worthless if you do not know what is the outcome you get and if you have the right balance of things. So you get a clear […]