It is not enough to get more traffic to your website, you need to build an audience. It’s touted a lot, and rightly so; the profitability of your online business is a direct effect of the size, and relationship you have with your email list. Want more profit? Then you better get good at building an […]
October 20, 2013 – Week 43 Summary
This week we have important updates for SEO, Google Adwords as well as a very insightful Traffic Jam episode tackling the influence of social media. A relevant user journey in within your website is the key to a longer stay on your set, minimal bounce rate and better conversion. Find out how this works,watch this […]
How To Decide The Right Budget For Your Adwords Campaign
Having too little budget for your Adwords campaign may affect your outcome, as such having too much budget. It is essential to have the right budget for your campaign to support the outcome you want. Here’s how: In this Video: 00:13 – Set Monthly/ Daily Ad Budget 00:18 – Use Your Marketing Budget […]
Crafting Your User’s Journey
More than just making sure your landing page and your links are relevant, you also want to make your website visitor’s journey relevant. This means making his browsing experience in your site something where he can take something out of it so he eventually becomes a customer. In this Video: 00:12 – One Word […]
September 29, 2013 – Week 40 Summary
This week in our SEO and PPC news and tips we have no follow links: when to use them best, and how to track conversions coming from your adwords when these clients take longer to convert. If you make use of other websites to establish your authority and name within the online community, you might […]