James has been invited to guest at Dubai One Media News to share his expertise on the topic of Search Engine Optimization, website traffic and the trends in Google.
In this Video:
00:24 – Do Business Understand SEO For Sales and Marketing?
01:07 – How is Technology Moving?
01:40 – SEO and Google
02:47 – Tips for Business to Get More Traffic
03:22 – Mobile Internet Traffic
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Greg Fairlie : Search Engine Optimization has been described as being the art and science of optimizing webpages so that they are easily found by the most well used search engines. Experts say that SEO is crucial for businesses to drive up sales and accelerate growth. Earlier I spoke to the founder of Veravo, James Reynolds and first of all asked him if businesses currently understand the true potential of the internet today for sales and marketing.
James Reynolds: On the internet, I doubt that they do; the internet is just so huge the potential is massive. There’s somewhere around three billion people with internet access right now, over a hundred million of those which are here in the Middle East; there’s somewhere near six hundred and fifty million websites out there and of course these things are virtual they keep expanding and expanding; there really is no limits. What I would say is that those businesses that don’t tap in to the potential of the internet are going to struggle to compete as time goes on.
Greg Fairlie: Do you think that technology is moving in a sense too fast today, or even too slow – for most medium sized businesses here in Dubai?
James Reynolds: Well technology moves at a rapid rate, I mean, as you all know we’re at the most technologically advanced era of all times and it keeps growing and growing at a real fast pace. And I think because of that, SMEs probably feel a lot of pressure to keep up with the latest technological advancements. But I don’t think that’s always seem justified; you can look at other businesses and see them embracing something new- it doesn’t have to as a business, it has to be right for your business, and of course most importantly it has to be right for the customer as well.
Greg Fairlie: SEO- search engine optimization, is obviously very popular for making websites more visible; is it still being dominated by Google?
James Reynolds: Yes, Google is the big player! Google has probably 90% of market share – at least in this region anyway. It really is the stand out search engine and the reason for that is that Google has a better algorithm, it returns better results so more people use them. So exponents of search engine optimization like my company SEO Sherpa who manage SEO with businesses always start with Google because that’s where more people go. Google are constantly changing the way the algorithm works, in fact, just as we’re speaking today, they’ve just announced today that they’ve just launched Hummingbird which is the latest edition of the algorithm but they constantly update it many times over the course of the year and what they are trying to do is return better and better results all the time for their users and of course eradicate all of those results which appear at the top of the search engines but shouldn’t be there perhaps because people have manipulated the results and tried to use it to their advantage so yes, it is constantly changing.
Greg Fairlie: What are your tips for businesses to get more traffic on the internet?
James Reynolds: That’s a big subject but I guess what I’d say before thinking about traffic is actually thinking about how your website performs in terms of conversion- people that come in to your website, are they going to convert in to a lead or sale? Because if it doesn’t work as a conversion tool, then you can get all the traffic in the world and it does not make the slightest difference. So you should have a think about what the message is on your website, how to make your website easier for people to move forward with you as a business and that’s a good place to start.
Greg Fairlie: Are mobiles and tablets here to stay for the long term or is this something new just around the corner?
James Reynolds: Mobile usage is just growing and growing; it currently makes 20-25% of all internet traffic and that continues to grow, literally by the day or by the week. So yes, mobile usage is very important and what’s very interesting is that people are now using a multi-screen type environment on the internet. For instance, they might start searching on their mobile phone but then go to that website later on their desktop or their laptop device.
Greg Fairlie: Well, that was SEO Expert James Reynolds speaking to me earlier.