Mobilising For The Smart Phone Generation

18/7/2013 with

Mobile browsing is increasingly getting popular as more and more people are getting smart phones and tablets. The big question for you is – are you ready to ride the wave of mobile surfers? Here are some pretty good reasons why you should have a mobile friendly site.


In this Video:

00:25 – Google Adwords Changes
00:36 – Advanced Campaigns Difference
00:58 – How This Works For You
01:32 – Be Mobile Ready
01:58 – Multi Screeen Experience Common
02:24 – Google Statistics on Mobile Browsing
02:53 – The BIG Lesson
03:23 – Let Us Check Your Site

Analyze Your Website Here

Ensure your Adwords Campaign appear nicely on Mobile too, Get ClickJam to do it for you

Hi this is James Reynolds, and last week I made a purchase; I bought one of these – the iPhone5 and I thought it would be a great opportunity in this week’s tip to talk about Google Adwords for tablets and smart phones – coming right up!

Hi this is James Reynolds and the purchase of my new iPhone5 last week pretty much coincided with the movement from standard campaigns to advanced campaigns inside Google Adwords being made compulsory. And the biggest change with the advanced campaign is the way that we bid now on mobile and tablet devices.

In the previous incarnation what we used to do is separate mobiles and tablets in to a campaign and put a budget for that campaign. Now however, Google force you to put all devices and then set a bidding percentile of the budget on each particular device. So, if you have a website that performs really well on mobile you’ll perhaps increase the bids for that by maybe 25% or 50%. Alternatively, if you have a website that performs really badly and the whole mobile experience is really just awful, then we’d probably set the bidding to -100% so that no bids go out for people that are viewing your ads and therefore your website on mobile devices.

So what is this with Google basically forcing us to put all of this in to the same campaign? Basically, they are telling us that we’ve got to now be smart phone ready. 65% of consumers now have access to smart phones and browse the internet on those devices and Google themselves who obsess over user experience actually have a different algorithm for searches being done on a mobile compared to that on a desktop because they want to ensure that when they send someone through to a website that the experience is great on that particular device.

selfie shot with an iPhone5

So in this day and age, you’ve got to have a great website not only for a desktop but also for a smart phone device as well, and that’s because 80% of users will use a multiscreen experience. Perhaps they’ll start by searching on their mobile device but will move to a desktop computer later on when they want to make a purchase. In fact the statistics out of Google are that 59% of people start their journey on a mobile and finish it on a desktop. That statistic is just massive!

Whilst you might continue making most purchases from desktop devices, if you ignore mobile, you’re probably cutting off about 59% who ever find out about you in the first place and thus will not go on to make a sale on your site. The big lesson here is you’ve just absolutely got to be mobile friendly. Make sure that you have a mobile responsive theme on your site or a standalone mobile site for mobile users.

We’re putting a lot of attention to mobile friendly sites as well as mobile friendly advertising including things like call extensions where advertisers can have browsers just literally click on their ads and call their business directly straight from their mobile device.

Are you mobile friendly? If you’d like us to check over your site and see how well it responses across tablet devices we can do that for you. If you’re watching this episode on, click the analyze my website button which you’ll see somewhere above this video and we’ll whip up a quick report for you to see how it performs on mobile devices as well as 20 other factors that will be affecting your website traffic. So take advantage of that.

This has been James Reynolds for another PPC news. See you soon!

About James Reynolds

James is passionate about helping you get more traffic and sales from search engines. Join 3223+ subscribers who get traffic tips from James weekly