TJ29 – Content and Branding Tips To Help You Stand Out Online with Mars Dorian

1/3/2014 with

James Reynolds with Mars DorianIn the ocean of online content, unless you can stand up and stand out, your content will almost always fall on blind eyes. In this episode Mars Dorian the branding and all round creative whizz kid reveals how you can get noticed online even in the most crowded of markets.

Mars (but from Earth) has got himself noticed online, because he’s adopted a unique visual style driven by his edgy graphics and loud colours and supported by a unique writing style that caught the attention of Mark Schaefer and Corbett Barr amongst others. Tune in and learn branding, content and connecting tips that will drive targeted traffic to your website.


  • Today Global Business Website Scenario.
  • Why Mars Does Not Worry About Traffic.
  • The Mars Dorian Brand.
  • Successfully Finding Your Style.
  • How To Find The Right Connections.
  • Benefits of Guest Posting and Getting Paid To Do It!
  • The Right Approach to Getting Connections.
  • Personal is Perfect.
  • Dissecting the Mars Dorian Content.
  • The Value of Personal Connections.


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Hello! I am James Reynolds, welcome back listener! You are tuned in to Episode#29 of Traffic Jam, the show that teaches you how to get more traffic and build a profitable audience online.

Absolutely no messing around this episode, we are going straight in to the content so get prepared as myself and my guest today, the branding Buzz Marketing and all round creative dude, Mars Dorian, discuss among other things, Lady Gaga and getting naked. Those references may mean nothing to you right now but stay glued to your speakers and you’ll learn exactly why both are excellent metaphors to standing out online and getting noticed in a crowded space. Here’s that interview.

James: Welcome to the interview section of the show. Today I welcome Mars Dorian who’s going to share how to stand out online even in the most overcrowded of markets. Mars, welcome to Traffic Jam!

Mars: Wow! Thanks for having me James and I can’t wait to spread some fire and share some knowledge with your community.

James: Today is going to be fun! Now, on your website,, you don’t just say you help people stand out online, but you say you help them stand out online like a naked person with a red feather on their face! Now I have got to assume Mars you are speaking metaphorically, aren’t you?

Mars: Not really!

James: Tell us about it.

Mars: No, I mean today with everyone being able to start a global business based on a website, attention has become so scarce and it really is hard to stand out anymore and my main focus nowadays – I help people with my illustration designs to stand out online is really to ask myself the question and how can I create a content or a page on website or something else in a way that makes people not only pay attention to it but actually consume it, and spread and talk about it so that they get really word of mouth value out of it and really get the business going to the community.

James: Well it is interesting, I kind of whole approach that you have, the kind of whole naked red feather thing – the fact that when I get an email from you in my inbox, it comes from the name Greetings from Mars! And you website design, you’ve clearly got a standout style of brand and a stand out kind of content. I guess because we are kind of audio only today, take a moment to paint a bit of a visual picture to our listeners what the brand of Mars Dorian kind of looks like and represents.

Mars: So the website itself is a branding creativity and online business blog in terms of writing, right? But obviously because I come from the visual area, I draw everything myself, I have a tablet which I work with online, and I have cartoony, very colorful images on every blog post. I have quite a big header, I have my about page which is pretty much like a comic like you can scroll to and read my background story in tidbits. I have my manifesto which is also in comic version and I pretty much have unique visuals, my own trademark style on every single page in my guide in the writing that I do mixes with everything that I do really to create something that is true to myself and hopefully it gives value to my visitors and potential clients.

James: Well, I think later in this section we’ll dissect perhaps a piece of Mars Dorian content because having looked over your stuff you have got perhaps a different approach to others and I think as a case study it would be interesting to have a look at some of those elements but I think as we are a traffic show, I’d like to get started really with a question about what you feel is the most important thing in terms of standing out and getting business online and I ask this question because having read your content, I felt that I may have stubbed myself in the foot. You say that traffic actually isn’t that important and that something else that is far more important – tell us what that is?

Mars: Yeah, when I started out I was so worried about just general traffic – I was just worried about that unique visitor count up every month, like hoping it would skyrocket someday. But the thing is, it did happen because I blocked a lot of valuable connections. But just because traffic shut up doesn’t mean like my income shut up, right? So there was really a big difference between how much I was making and how much I should be making based on how many view counts I got. So at one point I said to myself – it’s not just like big traffic that counts, or targeted traffic that counts and I know of a friend in the United States, James Younger, he’s an artist, and I think he gets between 800 and 1000 people on his website every month which is not a lot, right? But he has a six-figure business based from that because the people that come to his website are really interested in working with him and buying his artwork. Most of his people are what you called qualified traffic, right? And when I read about that 2 to 3 years ago, I thought, geez! I have to think the same way. Who care about getting high numbers? It’s going to crimp my ego but it’s not going to crimp my wallet so I changed my approach and really focused on creating a writing style that has a personal and specific message to a specific customer that would actually want to work with me based on how I am and how I represent myself.

James: That is interesting! Let’s have a look at what that messaging might look like because you’ve obviously developed a very distinct style of messaging and a very distinct look. Perhaps, from a point of view of how you might help a business that you work with, what would be the process that you would step someone through to develop that message and develop that brand so they can connect with that audience once they reach it?

Mars: I think the problem that most people had was the problem I had at the beginning. At first you try to appear to everyone, even though you deny it. You say, no, no, it’s just like me and I put out my style and my message and my offer and people are going to jump at it. But the truth is, the more specific you get, and the more you cut away, the more specific your target audience can be, right? In the beginning I used to have a writing style that was – I don’t want to say that it was covered in any way, but it was more safe. I wasn’t really expressing myself, my offer was very general; I did not talk about the clients instead I was talking like in a very mellow, very general and no one in today’ age with so much specifity going on, no one is going to go for a general approach anymore. People want to exactly know how you can help them so I had a customer from the beginning that were mostly from America that were very open minded, a little more on the creative side and less corporate like and I thought, those people are really fun to work with and they have money, I think I should target my business towards them. And then I learned what their business is for, they were like small business owners like people in start-ups and I cannot write the way I wrote is like targeted to them and showing the projects that I had and the site that I had, and then I lost all those clients that I had that were on the little safer approach and they thought that my writings and my drawings were a little bit too edgy for them, and I made my drawings and my writings even more edgy because that is who I am, to really appear to my kind of people and I lost all the people who wanted more of the general side of me. And it happens every day. Just three weeks ago, I had a client who said that they really want to work with me on a visual slide show presentation but it’s a little kind of over the bit with your style and then some of the words that you have on your areas is a bit too much, could you tone everything down and then we can work with each other? And I really did not want to right? It was like doing censoring and the kind of version they wanted to see from me was not who I want to be. I would really like using my style and they were like Disney level and I thought I don’t want to do that, it feels wrong. And they would have paid well but it just did not feel right so I said good luck in your search but I don’t think we are perfect for each other. So that’s the price that comes with it.

James: Yeah, so how would you describe your style to a prospective customer who might be listening in to this podcast trying to visualize what you do and how you do it. How would you describe it to fit that ideal customer profile of yours?  

Mars: Yeah, so it’s a very colorful style, it is very vibrant, it has a lot of dynamics with it I use a lot of pictograms and writing on the clothing that I create for those characters and for those images. It has a lot of shapes and words that have to do with the branding so when I work with someone who wants a slide show presentation about entrepreneurship, I would take his colors, red for example, and I am going to create characters and specific images that directly adjust to his brand and make it a little bit more dynamic, make it a little bit more funky clothes and funky designs that really look unlike anything else in that range in order to make people pay attention to it.

James: Yeah, okay, well done! I know it’s hard to paint a picture visually when you’re just talking. We had a Pinterest episode a few months back and it is always a challenge trying to explain a visual method and a visual approach in words but I think that summarizes it and of course we’ll make sure the links to your website and your content are found in the show notes. I think one of the things I really want to speak to you about amongst others Mars is your own development online; how you’ve built your own audience because from what I can see, you’ve been very targeted of who you work with and who you approach. I mean, if you look at your content I see you’ve appeared for instance on Corporate Bar Traffic, that one springs to mind. Tell me the story about how you made that happen and how you sort out these influential people online and ended up working with them yourself.

Mars: In the beginning, I was just blogging and trying to find my way. And the thing is, if you have a specific interest, in my case, in the beginning it was mostly blogging and personal branding and creative entrepreneurship, then you find like one person online, that’s how it starts, like on Twitter and you think ah, interesting, I want to follow that person and then I would do a personal approach and contact them and say I love your website, you are so awesome, like this is what I do – and that’s how it starts. And I did that for like the first year, just making very specific connections that really wrote a similar and Corporate Bar was really one of those people that really – I mean he still has, right? I really liked the way he worked and the way he wrote and his ideas, I thought it was so compelling, and I made that personal connection and because I already had other people in my connections that also knew him, we made a personal connection and he actually came with his wife to Berlin, but not because of me but because he wanted to visit the place and I saw him in person and it was even a better connector, and I said, you know what, we should do a small, little project. We do a mutual posting where our posts are interlinked with each other, kind of like a viral spread of mutual content and we did that and was semi-successful; not as big as I thought it would be but it created an even bigger bond with each other and that’s how it all started.

James: Great! And I have also seen that you’ve guest posted for our friend on Traffic Jam Mark Schaeffer on his Businesses Grow website, what’s the result in guest posting on that type of environment gotten you?

Mars: Well actually I’m not guest posting for him, I am a paid contributor so I write him a post every single month, I just finished my last post about 2 days ago for him – very awesome relationship and that started actually from three of us who runs the Instigator Experience and the Unmistaken Creative which is a kind of a podcast about creative entrepreneurs and he knew Mark Schaeffer personally and Mark was looking from some blogger who’s not American, who was really good in English and who had a different style than most of his social marketing people and somehow the three of us talked about me and approached Mark Schaeffer and said here’s my blog, let’s see if we can work together and it was about one and a half year ago and yeah, he just introduced me, and it worked out because it was quite different from all the other people he has on and it was really fruitful, I mean the guy is huge – he has like 10,000 visitors a day, like avalanche storm. And he has so many interesting people on him and he has a new blog post every day and I get a lot of referral traffic, I have clients coming over from him because they saw my drawing style on his blog and it has gotten a lot of new context and a lot of traffic and sales from my outstander guide but nowadays, because I am blogging so much for him, the return of investment is like slowing down because people get used to you and he has a lot of core readers who read his post every day so they kind of know my face so I get diminishing results but it’s still a blast; he’s an awesome source guy.

James: Yeah, Mark’s awesome; one of my favorite Traffic Jam episodes, and I’ll get a link to that in the show notes, definitely worth to check out Mark’s stuff. So I am just going to do a sort of a mid-way round up Mars, I guess we have spoken at this point about developing a unique style of content and messaging that’s not fearful of alienating people and should actually try to bleed towards the edges as opposed to trying to satisfy everyone then as you have done, perhaps seek out others who may have a similarly lined target market or audience and then if you can, find a way to have them first and then offer them an opportunity to be helpful. Would that be a good summary at this point, kind of halfway through?

Mars: Yeah, just one addition, if you do your targeted marketing and offer some people sounds kind of calculating, but if you connect with people that you really like, writing something similar to them feels very natural. And like you said, you want to give value but you also want to make sure that you connect with people who have a different skill set. So you can be on a similar niche but you don’t want people who do exactly what you do right? I follow about 650 people on Twitter now and I am very specific about that and deliberate and I rarely follow illustrators and people who do what I do and then it’s going to be like ideas and he has a similar skill set and we cannot give value to each other right? So most people that I am friends with, they are good at a lot of things but they are not good with designing or drawing which is my strength, this is where my referral traffic is coming from and the clients because they always come back to me and say, hey, can you do this for me or this client needs that, can you help them out and that is very valuable so look for complementary skill set.

James: Okay, good. And what is your approach to connecting with these people once you’ve identified that they may be a good fit? You mentioned that Twitter is perhaps a tool that you follow people on but do you have a kind of process of connecting with people and reconnecting with them to maintain those relationships?

Mars: I always believe that you should be ultra-specific when you connect with them, right? Just today I got an email and the subject line: Business Opportunity and then I read the body of the email, it’s half a page, and it doesn’t even have my name in it and it is so general, you can write it to a vacuum cleaner would be just as fitting and it does not talk about anything that I do and it’s just about the person and what he wants, and I know this person sends bulk mail and he is going to send it to a million people or so and obviously it lands in the spam folder. So obviously, in order to fight that, to break through with the clutter, always be ULTRA specific that if you approach the people you want to connect with, tell them why you are connecting with them, keep it short but keep it very specific.  Tell them, you know, I am making this up now to make an example – I read your blog post from January 2014 where you wrote about Facebook marketing or something and it was really interesting because I don’t do any Facebook marketing and I learned a lot from that post, maybe we can contact, I just wanted to say hi so you are really specific and the person on the other end knows you are a real human being and you really took the time to interact with the person’s work instead of just writing a bulk mail.

James: Yeah, absolutely! Well I don’t know whether you recall the email you got from me when we were setting up this interview but I think a lot of that stuff was at play there, I think I would more than likely perhaps included your name in the subject line but then immediately after that I was telling you how I got to find out about you and that was through a mutual friend Ryan Hanley who put the two of us in touch so immediately there was a connection there – how we got in contact and what the connection was and I am sure that got your interest to read beyond that about the email so these are all the skill sets and tactics that you use when you are approaching people in this manner.

Mars: Yeah, just one last thing. People always worry about the perfect strategy that should be all five lines and that six lines is bad and five lines is better because of some I don’t know, law. I think it is all BS! I think you should worry more about being specific and being personal and if that is authentic to you then the other person will start connecting with you if there is any mutual value that you can get right? So don’t fret about making it perfect, just make it personal and it can be perfect.

James: Got it! Well most guests that we’ve had on the show advocate trafficking the website by targeting small niches of focus buyers but having read your site, you say that you believe niches are old school. If we are not targeting niches, we are focused on those. What should we focus on instead?

Mars: Well niches, it kind of depends on how you define that. The thing is that, if I ultra-specialize and I focus all my skills on one specific skill set, the danger is that because the times are changing so fast that your skill may not have any value in the near future because that service is not that valuable anymore. So I believe that you should still be a specialist but more like a generalist with a specification. So you have a focus on a specific value that you give but you still have enough leeway that you can change and adjust and that you don’t depend all of your resources on to one skill because when that skill is not in need anymore, you and your business are gone!

James: Yeah, so will that be kind of in line with a personal brand that really elevates above and below what you actually do? I guess there’s examples of people like Richard Branson or someone like that, he is a strong personal brand, and he can go in to anything and almost be successful because people know him for who he is. Does this dissect in to the personal branding as well?

Mars: Yeah, I think people always say content is king but honestly, I don’t think and some people kind of said it as well, we are not looking for like skill itself, and the content itself because you can find the content almost everywhere. People go back for style, for personality and for brand, something that emotionally connects that person. That if someone from America, like Texas, and wants to know internet marketing, is he going to prefer working with a person who is in to internet marketing also from Texas? Probably, right? Because there is more emotional connection there and I don’t know if some guy from Germany would offer the same deal. And that’s what makes people come back – if people have similar goals to you and you want to be like them and you have that emotional connection, so really making sure that style is just as important as substance. That part really gets supported by your belief, by the way you do your business, by the products that you offer, because that emotional thing is what keeps them from coming back, It’s not just the services itself, it’s how it makes them feel towards you.

James: Absolutely! Good! Well I said I wanted to dissect a piece of Mars Dorian content; here are my observations, you can tell me whether this is kind of true of your content or not. Looking at your stuff I see that it’s typically quite long, you generally favor the written word as opposed to audio and video, and of course you have a stunning original image with your content mostly and you write with a lot of personality and perhaps you post less than others as well, would that be an accurate description of your content style?

Mars: Yes, I really love writing; I love writing as much as I love drawing and designing and the thing is that I do audio when I do interviews like right now in a podcast, but I mean there is only so much you can do in a day, right? And my main focus is really in the creation part and block writing for me is not as important as before because I am establishing my niche in my area with the people that I work with and I have strong word of mouth from my friends that I work with and colleagues or peers and that really gets me a lot of business which I work on every single day. And I blog only like once a month which is terrible if you start out, like I would say like say at least once a week but for me it is more like a diary that is valuable to a lot of people but it’s not really bringing me any business. No one hires me because I wrote a superb blog post, right? They hire me fully for the visual work that I do. So I have to concentrate on that which makes me more money, which is more important to my business. So that’s why I am sort of neglecting that aspect.

James: Yeah, well I am experimenting with this a little. I was mostly a frequent poster for majority of 2013 but I am kind of winding back a little bit now and putting more focus in to putting less frequent but higher quality content than sort of putting stuff out almost on a daily basis as I was last year and I am yet to see what that result will be as a result of that but I think if you look at the stuff that gains traction online, the stuff that really supports us which is the content that is really being shared and is really being drawn to because the stuff is so good and I think if you try to put out too much, to maintain a level of consistency and quality just becomes that much harder because of the volume you are trying to put out there.

Mars: Yeah, and also, I don’t believe there is the right way because it depends on your business; on where you specialize and what kind of personality you are. For some people, blogging every single day may work out because people have the outstanding short snappy posts but then it just depends on your specification and what kind of service do you offer.

James: Yeah, and I guess Seth Godin will be a great example of regular, short daily content. His stuff is exemplary but I think I would certainly struggle to put out that sort of stuff every single day.

Mars: Yeah, it works out for him because he writes double sized tweets because you just have one or two paragraphs mostly and he does that every day but then again, he’s not making money from blogging, right? It’s more like an open diary where he shares his thoughts and leadership word on marketing and entrepreneurship and what have you. So I think you should not worry what other people are doing but really expect experimenting, like what I call crash and burn. You see it doesn’t help me and does not give me return of investment if I blog every day or something I do which has no value whatsoever.

James: I want to ask you also about how you syndicate your content once you have posted to your own site. Where else are you posting your stuff? I guess your images would certainly land themselves to social platforms. What’s your strategy around getting your content out there to a wider audience?

Mars: Well, I use three major platforms; I use mostly Twitter but obviously my Facebook fan page and sometimes my personal profile which gets more responses because it’s more personal. I get Google shares as well as some Google followers like a lot of people following them like hundreds and thousands and because of the better visual post, I post them on Pinterest which doesn’t give me much result yet, maybe I am doing it wrong or I have not found the right way yet to make it more stand out but it’s mostly – it’s not technical but it’s geared towards creative entrepreneurs from people who work on the internet so it has a better response in Twitter and Google+.

James: Yeah, sure. And what is your best traffic source for your site?

Mars: It’s organic mostly, it’s like 50%. The last time I checked, Twitter and Facebook actually are quite low. They make together like 20% and Google+ is even less, and then some other sources. Truth is, in the last month, I even have not checked it yet, because I don’t worry about traffic sources any more, I worry more about client sources. Every client that I have, I am asking them, where do you come from? And where did you hear about me? So that when I get a lot of overlap on this platform then I want to strengthen that approach.

James: Exactly! It’s zeroing on what works and then doing more of it right to compound the results.

Mars: And really for me, I have to say it is word of mouth at this point, I have not done any marketing in the last year. I think it was one week where I told some people of my new services and my portfolio page and there was the first weekend, March 2013 and that was it. The rest of the way people find their way in to my inbox and I am just like clapping hands and counting digital dollar balls.

James: Awesome! Well I guess it really comes back to how we opened up the interview in terms of talking about becoming stand out because someone like yourself I would assume is much more referable than just some sort of regular person that looks like every other single person online; you’ve got a stand out style and very easy to talk about and refer I think.

Mars: Yeah, and the other thing that is also true is that what I did not understand in the beginning because apparently everyone says you have to be the best in the world and you have to be extraordinary, you have to follow your passion, be the best, etc. but the truth is, you always recommend someone who is good, they don’t have to be the best, but if you have a good relationship with them, it is enough to recommend a person if he or she is good, right? Like let’s say there is an illustrator/ designer who does exactly what I do and he is five times better, if I have my people and my network that know me personally and they do not know that other illustrator, chances are, they are going to hire me even though I am a much worse compared to him, right? Because they have that connection and that is so valuable. People will always prefer people they know and they have a personal positive connection to make sure that you have that network and it does not matter if you’re not the best, I mean you should always improve but connections matter so much. All the work is really from people who know and love my work and they know me personally. Those are not people that have never heard of me. It’s always about the personal relationship.

 James: Awesome! Well good stuff! I think we should get close to wrapping up, but there is one question I have been dying to ask you and that’s what did Lady Gaga teach you about traffic and building an online audience?

Mars: Oh man! That post – it’s always, it feels like the dark ages of the internet for me. Is that the one I wrote for ##### Traffic?

James: I think it was, I think that’s where I found it but I love the content and I think that it’s certainly as relevant today as it was whenever you wrote it so I would love for you to share that idea and concept with the audience here.

Mars: I don’t remember every single step that I wrote on that post anymore but what I love about Lady Gaga, I am a huge fan of her music, is just the way, everything from her branding, it is very specific and it is very unique. From the dresses she wore like even pieces of meat on her skin which is like absurd at most but it fits her branding because she kind of has that wacko commercial style to the personal greeting she has for her friends, I don’t know how she calls them, I think the monster paw or something where she uses her right hand pretends it’s like a tiger claw or something, and even the idea of calling her friends like little monsters and I think she calls herself mama monster, everything she does from writing to calling her friends to building the community has a direct branding that is directly associated with her. There is no doubt that it is coming from her. Nothing that she does generic, she is doing the greeting as Lady Gaga. The music is Lady Gaga style, the clothing – like every time you talk about it, it really is Lady Gaga and that really occupies your brain space and links everything that is remotely even like it to her and that is really just another call to action to people to stop worrying about generic and doing what other people are doing and really focusing on your core strength and like I said, Mars Dorian is my nickname, like Mars, the full name is Marius, because it sounds like Mars and a lot like the planet mars and it’s red, my favorite color, I make sure that greetings from mars I have a red logo and stuff like that and that I am consistent with that approach because that is going to help me stay out more and help me become more memorable.

James: Got it! Well there are some great lessons there, I mean she has developed a very distinct brand, she is hugely remarkable. There is no doubt in the fact that this conversation is happening about what weird and wacky Lady Gaga is doing all the time and of course she has developed a really strong tribe that follow her every move and I think if you just apply a fraction of what she is doing to your own business then you should have some pretty good success. So Mars, thank you for sharing what you have today, it’s been a lot of fun to say the least. I will make sure that everyone has links off to where they should find you but just for the sake of audio, where is the one place you’d like people to go and find out a bit more about you?

Mars: So the Mars Dorian mother base is on earth, hosted in America but you can find it online on and pretty much every way to approach me has got to do with Mars Dorian right? The Twitter handle is @MarsDorian and I could say more things but those are the most used channels, my mother base and my Twitter handle. That’s where you can find me.

James: Awesome! Those links will be in the show notes of Episode #29 of Traffic Jam. Mars, thanks for coming on board!

Mars: Thanks for having me and I hope this is really valuable to people in the community and I hope they take that approach and rethink their brand to the next level with it.

This Week’s News in Traffic

So in last week’s news, we announced how Klout has just introduced a content suggestion tool that would suggest content based on what may relate to your target audience, therefore helping you create content that’s relevant to the people that follow you. In this week’s news we can announce that Klout have introduced a scheduling tool and this scheduling tool is purported to suggest the best possible times for you to post content based on when your audience is generally most engaged. Klout says this is different to other tools such as perhaps Hoot Suite which suggest only on when the average user would be most active. Klout is saying their tool suggests the best possible times based on when your own audience is most active on social platforms. It is now available inside the Klout dashboard, you can go check that out.

In news from Pinterest, they’ve just made gifs, those animated images viewable and pin-able from all iOS and Android devices. That may not seem such big news for a traffic show but this is really great news especially for those exponents of gifographics, those animated infographics that people like Neal Patel and his Quick Sprout blog are getting great success with. It is something that I am going to try and I am very happy to hear that Pinterest are now supporting posting of that content on their site.

If you are a fan of Traffic Jam, I’d absolutely love it if you left a comment or a review of the show, tell me what you like about Traffic Jam, and perhaps tell me some areas of improvement or perhaps some guests you’d like to hear appear on the show; I’d really love to hear from you.

There are a couple of places that you can do it offsite and that is Stitcher radio and iTunes as an option to leave a review for the show on both of those two platforms and also on, you can go to the episode page and leave a comment. Do that right below the transcript in the summary there is a comment section right at the base but also, you can leave a voice message via our Speak Pipe which is found in the footer of the site. It is voice message; click on that link, you’ll be taken to the Speak Pipe recorder and you can talk to your microphone and actually leave a voice message for me.

We’ve not have a Speak Pipe message read out on the show yet but I am looking forward to doing that. Why don’t you be the first? Get your voice, get your name, get your website mentioned, leave a little bit of a comment and a review for the show and we’ll play that back on a future episode.

The One Minute Traffic Tip

This is an email marketing tip that will help you get your emails read by more people. The most important part of an email other than the sender that will determine if your recipients open your email or not is the subject line. So craft your skill at copyrighting but also split test your subject lines. Instead of sending a broadcast all with the same subject line, divide your broadcast list up.

To the first 25% of your list, send subject line A. To the next 25% send subject line B. then, wait for 48 hours and see which of these two subject lines gets the best open rate. Then to the remaining 50% of your list, you are going to send the winning subject line. This really is a very quick and easy way to significantly increase your email open rate, just by testing exactly what works.

That brings yet another episode of Traffic Jam. Episode #29 to a close. Remember, for more traffic tips and more traffic training, head on over to for more videos, more podcasts, and even some funny traffic toons as we call them to get you giggling as well.

And also if I can help you grow more traffic, head on over to the products page of and you’ll learn exactly how I can work with you to get your website climbing. To play out this episode of Traffic Jam, I’ve got a track of course chosen by my guest today Mars Dorian. It is by a band called Angels and Airwaves and the track is called The Adventure.





  • Klout’s Scheduling Tool
  • Pinterest Now Allows GIF pins from iOS and Android


  • Get Your E-mail Read By More People by Testing


  • Angels and Airwaves – The Adventure

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About James Reynolds

James is passionate about helping you get more traffic and sales from search engines. Join 3223+ subscribers who get traffic tips from James weekly