TJ10 – Google+ The Plus & Minus With Chris Brogan

7/6/2013 with

To mark episode 10 of Traffic Jam,we are joined by New York Time’s best selling author Chris Brogan and the topic in discussion is Google+. Chris Brogan of and published his book Google Plus for Business in December 2011 and called Google Plus out as the next big thing. 18 months on we’ll see if […]

What Google Want

13/5/2012 with

Google have been reaping havoc in the world of SEO (Search-Engine-Optimization) with 2 recent updates to their search algorithm code named Penguin and Panda. The latest version of Panda (3.6) and the Penguin update were rolled out in close succession leaving SEO’ers bamboozled as websites experienced major fluctuations in rank, some dropping off results entirely. […]