The Traffictoon series takes a humorous look at SEO, PPC, Social Media and other online stuff. Check out more Traffictoons just like this one by by clicking here! Please like and share and leave your comments below
This week’s news and updates has shed light to mobile landing page design must have’s and the major algorithm update released by Google called Hummingbird. Google celebrated its 15th birthday with the release of hummingbird, dubbed by Amit Singhal as the biggest algorithm update since he joined Google in 2001. Watch the full update on […]
In this native digital world we now live in, there are just more things to consider when naming your new born; availability of email address, twitter handle, domain name…. perhaps it is no wonder why celebrities name their children with such obscure names like “Fifi Trixibelle” (Bob Geldof and Paula Yates), “Sage Moonblood” (Sylvetser Stallone), […]
There’s lots of great things going on in the world of internet marketing this week. Google celebrated its 15th birthday with a new update to its algorithm, Veravo founder James Reynolds is invited to guest at Dubai One Media News to speak about SEO, and we have 5 design tips for your landing page too! […]
We diligently update our Facebook account of our status, but like in this case, it pays to give yourself a bit more privacy and not posting every life event in the greatest social media platform. The Traffictoon series takes a humorous look at SEO, PPC, Social Media and other online stuff. View and share more Traffictoons just […]
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