March 8 – Week 10 Summary

11/3/2014 with

This week in the world of search engine optimization and Google adwords, we take a look at the most asked questions whose answers may be obvious, but it actually takes more to fully understand.

SEM MagazineSo what differentiates SEO from SEM? This week in SEO Sherpa Basecamp, James explains how you can identify search engine optimization from marketing efforts and what makes each important.

Click here to read the post now.



Clicking on Online AdsIt is frustrating to think that you are putting up your ads in Google but no one seem to click them… if you think like that then it is a must to read the article that James has written to enlighten you with another perspective on this angle.

Read the post here.



Google Ads AuctionHow much should you allocate monthly to have a successful Google Adwords campaign? The answer may not be what you think.

Find out how costly (or how cheap) a campaign can be, click here now.



Content Marketing 101This week in traffictoon, content marketing is made easier to understand. If you’ve enjoyed this week’s toon and would like some more laughs, click here to view the previous toons. Enjoy!